
My mini-class in Yale

As we round the final corner of this amazing journey in Yale, we are required to design and implement a 15- minute mini-class including two activities. When hearing the news, I was a little puzzled even scared, what shall I do? How can I give a lesson in the presence of so many colleagues and experts, Carrie and Siggy?  
The inspiration came from my anxiety when preparing for the mini-class. Why not choose the topic—feelings and emotions! It is generally acknowledged that everyone has his feelings and can be emotional; emotions affect the way we behave towards and relate to others. At first I planned to list several words describing feelings on different cards; and then invite one colleague to pick up a card randomly to explain the word to others by only using facial expressions or body languages. When that word was guessed successfully, another guy would try to accomplish this task again. This would be fun, but I was worried that I can’t control the time and there may not be adequate time for the second activity, so I gave up this plan. Instead, they were required to use a complete sentence to describe their feeling and what or why makes them feel so. The second activity is the group discussion. Effective and healthy methods are needed to release the negative feelings such as anger, pressure or frustration.

Thanks for the perfect cooperation of my colleagues, the whole teaching procedures went on smoothly out of my expectation. I really hope all my friends and instructors get rid of negative feelings, think positively and enjoy the life. 


Yale Center for British Art

Every Friday at Yale is different,  four colleagues and I paid a visit to the Yale Center for British Art  on this Friday. It is a public art museum and world-renowned research institute, which houses the largest collection of British art outside the United Kingdom.

Two white sculptures are welcoming visitors at the hall. One is medium and extremely abstract in shape, like a smooth stone standing on a rectangle base. Interesting enough, if you observe it from a different angle, it looks like a profile of a young woman with a big eye, a straight nose and a tiny, lovely mouth. 
The other sculpture is large in size; a strong and rough executioner is going to cut the head of a criminal. The former is sitting on the back of the latter, holding a pointed ax in his right hand and the left one tightly grabbing the criminal’s hair. The expressions of their eyes are in stark contrast, one is rude and violent whereas the other miserable and painful. It’s hard to imagine why the criminal was sentenced to death, but from his facial expression it’s certain that he was in search of mercy and forgiveness. To seek to live on is the instinct of human beings without exception.

The four-floor building contains vast collection of paintings, sculptures, prints, drawings, and rare books explore British art, life, and thought from the Elizabethan period to the present day. Several young visitors drew my attention. Instead of wandering and taking photos, they were engaged in filling in sheets and taking notes. Those Yale students were required to choose a thought- provoking painting and create a story about it, just as Carrie advised her students to do in their blogs. With these pictures I have taken, I may utilize the same method to my students in writing lesson.       


An interesting dancing lesson

The Central South University teachers had an interesting and funny dancing lesson with our respectable and lovely instructors this afternoon. To be more specific, this time the dancing instructors are Siggy and Jane, who taught us American sexy dance and Chinese square dance respectively.
Jane danced beautifully

At first we stood in lines to learn square dance. Jane chose a typical Chinese folk song, which is said to be related to Buddhism. Jane did a good job with enough patience. She told us how to stretch our legs and move our hands separately. It’s funny that it’s hard to combine them together harmoniously and beautifully. So I made some awkward mistakes, especially when we switch between the sections of the song. But it’s fun to move our bodies and do some exercises.

The exciting moment comes with the sexy dance. Siggy told us it’s a kind of Jazz music, so we’d better squat the legs a bit when dancing. We watch the video and imitate the dancing steps. The singer was in sexy skirt and we joked if we were dressed like this, we would learn it quickly. How interesting scene it is! I bet our Chinese students would burst into laughter when watching those serious and strict English teachers are doing a variety of luring movements in Yale. 


A good book sale

Carrie informed us that there would be a trip to the Pequot Library Summer Book Sale in Southport, CT, which is considered the best book sale in New England, and offers high quality books at reasonable prices. As a result, everyone is waiting for it, Summer and Amanda even changed their schedule to New York for the book sale on July 27.
books in white tent

When we arrived at the Pequot Library, it’s approximately 1:30pm. Since there are only 2 hours left to explore, I gave up the idea to observe the fabulous villas of those wealthy Americans. The Summer Book Sale composed of two parts, inside the library and in a large spacious tent outside. Carrie told me classic and literature works were sold inside, so I went directly to the tent because I was in search of books about teaching methodology. It does not exaggerate to say there are mountains of books and CDs, DVDs, even some old-fashioned gramophone records, which are piled according to different subject categories. 
mountains of books
people are busy in selecting books
Compared with its original price, the used books were pretty cheaper. Frankly speaking, the time is only enough for me to find needed books in two categories, one is education, and another is books for children. At last I bought 6 books with only $6dollars. How amazing it is! I hope to buy more, but the books are too heavy and we plan to go west and have a trip. I’m afraid that there are no spaces for more books in my luggages.
books I bought

Why there is no such book sale in China? It’s a great pity.   


Master’s Tea at Yale

Every Friday at Yale is colorful and wonderful for those summer session students. This Friday is not an exception. Most of my colleagues go to New York by school bus, including my roommate, Amanda. Bell is so diligent to go to library to look for reference books for her doctor thesis. Rich and I just stay at home, writing blogs. Susan told us there is a Master’s Tea to be held at 3pm, which provides an opportunity for Yale students to interact in a relaxed, informal setting with a distinguished visitor who has excelled in their chosen field. So we decided to go there and have a look. 
poster for the Master's Tea 
Today’s visitor is George Takei, an actor best known for his portrayal of Mr. Sulu in the acclaimed television and film series Star Trek. Frankly speaking, I have never heard of his name and know nothing about him. We first appreciated a documentary about George Takei’s life with his lifelong partner, Brad Takei. As a political activist, Takei has received international acclaim by helping change political discourses around the US internment of Japanese Americans during WWII. He is also a prominent spokesperson for the LGBT issues and gay marriage. Homosexuals and gays are abnormal persons in mainstream culture, especially in China. The most famous gay is Leslie Cheung, a well-known pop singer and actor in Hong Kong, who committed suicide on April 1, 2003. From my perspective, it’s hard to understand why persons would be attracted by members of the same sex, which is totally contrary to the universal theory—opposites attract. But nowadays there are more and more homosexuals and gays, who are eager to get rid of the prejudice upon them and even legalize gay marriage. From the documentary, George Takei and Brad Altman vowed to each other during their wedding ceremony at the Democracy Forum of the Japanese American National Museum in Los Angeles on September 14, 2008. They have been together for 21years and Brad works as a broker and companion, who manage Takei’s professional and personal affairs. He even took care of Takei’s sick mother for a long time. It was arranged that Takei and his husband would come to the site and answer questions. But to our regret, they did not show up till the end. Only the producer and director of the documentary were present to answer some questions and reveal some interesting stories during the shooting time. 
George Takei and his partner 
To conclude, I would like to say everyone has his right to choose his lover, but it’s not fair for the children who are adopted by the gay couples because they cannot have the same normal family as others. 

A month in America

Time is fleeting! It has been more than a month since I came to USA. Reflecting upon the various persons and affairs I encountered, I find it really hard to express my feeling in words. Amazement, excitement, enjoyment, warmth, sorrow or nostalgia? 
I am excited for it’s the very first time for me to go abroad, especially to America, the most developed country in the world. Amazement comes from the beautiful natural scenery: blue sky, fleecy white clouds, wide green grasslands, clean sand  beach and fresh air without pollution. 

Washington Memorial 
beautiful rainbow at Niagara Fall

I enjoy the moment of class observation; the teaching inspiration from these dedicated and energetic instructors, particularly from Siggy and Carrie; the funny time during discussion and debate. 
Dr. Kirk Hughes
I feel warm and moved by enormous tiny matters and those nice and considerate people I came across in Yale—cab drivers, policemen, drivers of bus shuttle, the elder couple in the church… 
Sorrow or unhappiness overwhelmed me when I was in New York Metropolitan Museum of Art. It reminds me of the dark time in Chinese history when so many precious and rare culture relics were robbed and shipped to other countries. 
Chinese culture relics in New York Metropolitan Museum of Art
Nostalgia influences me from time to time because I miss my family members, my parents, my elder sister, especially my beloved husband and daughter. I haven’t been away from my husband and daughter for such a long time. What is their daily life? How does my daughter deal with the personal and learning problems without my companion and help? Now it’s so hot in Changsha whereas I enjoy the cool weather in New Haven. Are they suffering from the terribly high temperature? Can they sleep well and have a good appetite? Consequently, I am in a dilemma. On the one hand, I wish that I would stay a longer time in Yale, to learn more and experience more; on the other hand, I hope to go home immediately and enjoy the happy family time. Is there any miraculous power that can separate me in half? I wonder. However, life is filled with pleasure and regret. You can’t have your cake and eat it, which is a universal puzzle that even the philosopher can’t solve. How could I?   
my husband and daughter


Busy tourists

With the development of social wealth and the improvement of people’s lives, an increasing number of people intend to go traveling on vacation. Consequently, there are oceans of people in places of interest and scenery. Most of them follow the tour guides and do not have the freedom to decide their own routes and time. That’s why they are busy in taking photos before landmarks; it even takes ten to fifteen minutes to wait for their turn to pose before camera.

crowded tourists on the Great Wall

 In this case, there is little time left for those busy tourists to know history of places or appreciate beautiful scenery in details. Unfortunately, I am one of those busy tourists. Actually, that’s not the real trip I dream of. I hope to have leisure time to see more, hear more, feel more and reflect more. Travelling should enrich our experience and broaden our horizon. 
quiet beach 

I still remembered clearly the moment I had before the White House. Tourists from different countries rushed to there, each of them is eager to take photos before the political headquarters of America. It’s interesting, different colures of face, different languages emerge into a bustling picture. I also tried to take photos but in vain. I really wish one day I can have enough money and time to be a leisure tourist, travel around the world with my beloved. To meet different people and experience different cultures, just as what I have done in Yale now.