
Busy tourists

With the development of social wealth and the improvement of people’s lives, an increasing number of people intend to go traveling on vacation. Consequently, there are oceans of people in places of interest and scenery. Most of them follow the tour guides and do not have the freedom to decide their own routes and time. That’s why they are busy in taking photos before landmarks; it even takes ten to fifteen minutes to wait for their turn to pose before camera.

crowded tourists on the Great Wall

 In this case, there is little time left for those busy tourists to know history of places or appreciate beautiful scenery in details. Unfortunately, I am one of those busy tourists. Actually, that’s not the real trip I dream of. I hope to have leisure time to see more, hear more, feel more and reflect more. Travelling should enrich our experience and broaden our horizon. 
quiet beach 

I still remembered clearly the moment I had before the White House. Tourists from different countries rushed to there, each of them is eager to take photos before the political headquarters of America. It’s interesting, different colures of face, different languages emerge into a bustling picture. I also tried to take photos but in vain. I really wish one day I can have enough money and time to be a leisure tourist, travel around the world with my beloved. To meet different people and experience different cultures, just as what I have done in Yale now. 

4 条评论:

  1. Living for a time is a place is a far more valuable opportunity than travelling quickly though, don't you think?

  2. Sorry..."living for a time IN a place...."
    Always the teacher/editor.

  3. Christina-- You write very beautifully
