
the first impression in U.S.A.

the gorgeous view of NY from the Empire State Building

  Hi, ladies and gentlemen. It’s pretty interesting to meet you at my blog. I have been in America for approximately a week. I’m fascinated by the beautiful scenery wherever I have been to. The blue sky, green grassland and a wide variety of architectural style make me forget the tiredness of the journey, even the uncomfortable effect of jet lag.
blue sky and green grassland in front of the Jefferson Memorial
    When I was engaged on a wonderful boat trip on Hudson River, the Statue of Liberty made me excited as well. On the one hand, this is a symbol of freedom and liberty; on the other hand, the statue is the dream place of my daughter, who was informed about it in kindergarten at the age of 5.
the Statue of Liberty
    The Metropolitan Museum in New York and the National Air and Space Museum in Washington DC were a magic adventure for me. The former consists of cultural relics and treasures from different countries, which reminded me of the unenlightened periods when our Chinese treasures were robbed and shipped overseas; whereas the latter’s highly developed scientific researches and experiments in the outer space made me realize how tiny I am in the universe.

the magic view of the universe

the magic rainbow at Niagara Fall

      The friendly and nice American people made me feel warm and not so hopeless when encountering troubles. Once I was lost in Yale university and busy in reading a map, a policeman stopped his vehicle and gave me directions in details. There are numerous guys who helped me a lot,the drivers of Yale's shuttle, the working staff in the hotels and restaurants.

